Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Python Tricks

Python Tricks

Here, I am collecting python snippets that I find enlightening and/or just useful. On a subpage, you find a JPype-using hack to access Weka's Java classes from Python.
Additionally, I want to share some interesting links:
  • When working with files or directories (using os.path), you can make your live much easier if you check out the path Python module. It is very simple, but incredibly useful!
  • Another great python module is BeautifulSoup, which can be used to parse real-world HTML (or XML) files. It offers a very simple API for traversing the resulting parse tree, and one of its main features is that it also groks non-conformant HTML code (as good as possible) without choking.
  • Whenever you want to parse anything more complex than what regular expressions support (i.e., sth. beyond regular languages), e.g. expressions that need to be properly quoted or with nested parentheses, I propose to use pyparsing, another real gem which allows you to write parsers in the most intuitive way possible. (Incidentally, it is similar to the boost::spirit C++ library.)
  • In the Python Wiki, you can find some hints on speeding up your programs in the PythonSpeed page, and its PerformanceTips sub-page.
  • Concerning speed, I found Psyco particularly interesting, which is an easy-to-use extension module that can speed up the execution of any Python code (I purposely stripped the "massively" from this description, but still think it's cool, since you basically get the speed "for free").
  • In general, I don't like these code snippet-websites (especially if you have to register only to discover ugly code), and this is not very different for ASPN, but I like this function for pretty-printing a table. It's self-contained, just don't look at the code but give it a list of rows (lists of column contents), and it will give you a layouted string for printing a table.
  • Andrew Kuchling has written a tutorial on Unicode in Python which was recommended on the IPython mailing list.
  • - XP Testing framework

Uncluttered, Clean Imports

I tend to write code in an unordered way, usually copy-pasting stuff from and to IPython. However, eventually I clean up the code and want to make it reusable as a module, and for a .py file to be importable, it is often necessary to add a number of missing imports. Due to dynamic binding, Python does not complain about missing imports until the code in question is actually run, which can be a problem if e.g. you have a function that outputs an error via sys.stderr only in a seldom error case, but you have not imported sys.
pyflakes is the solution to this problem. It neatly checks whether you have imported everything you use, and also whether you have imported something twice or are not using an imported module at all, which lets you quickly clean up your module - as a side note: Of course, from foo import * makes problems (since the code is not run at all), but I would not recommend its use anyway. It's usually better (and more zen-ish) to explicitly import all names you're using, and pyflakes perfectly helps with that, too: simply comment out the import and fix the warnings that appear. Also recall that you can do things like import numpy as np and then explicitly prefix all numpy usage with "np.".

Completion in the Python Console

It is handy to be able to tab-complete properties of python objects at the python prompt. Nowadays, I am always using IPython, a significantly enhanced interactive python console which is really worth the installation. (It helps you with completion, indentation, syntax highlighting, macros, input/output caching, session management, improved history, debugger, and tracebacks. And more. ;-) )
However, I find it interesting to note that it is possible to have completion in the standard python console (if compiled with readline, which it really should be)! The following code can be used to activate it:
import readline, rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
Put this code in a file ~/ or similar, and use the variable PYTHONSTARTUP to point python to it! (I.e., I put "export PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/" into my shell environment setup.)
Now, go check out IPython. ;-)

Removing Duplicates from Lists

If you want to remove duplicates from a list, just put every element into a dict as a key (e.g. with None as value) and check dict.keys(). I found this optimized version in the WWW:
from operator import setitem
def distinct(l):
    d = {}
    map(setitem, (d,)*len(l), l, [])
    return d.keys()
This makes use of the fact that map fills up shorter lists (in this case the empty one) with None. Newer Python versions allow for an even more concise formulation of the above:*
def distinct(l):
    return dict.fromkeys(l).keys() # works with python 2.3+

def distinct24(l):
    return list(set(l)) # needs python 2.4 or later
These are clearly concise enough to be used in-place. Note that all variants so far have two limitations:
  • The elements are returned in arbitrary order.
  • Lists with unhashable elements (e.g. sub-lists) may not be processed.

Flattening Lists

I guess one reason why there is no built-in flatten function in Python is that there are several open semantic questions which are not intuitively answered:
  • What is flattened, e.g. all lists within a list? Or tuples, too? What about other sequence types (sub-classes of the above, home-brewn vectors, ...)? For my version of flatten below, I assumed that all iterable types (except strings) should be flattened. It is straight-forward to change that, e.g. by uncommenting the isinstance-check.
  • Does the function work recursively or not? I feel that most people would expect the function to really return a flat list, i.e. recursivly flatten all contained sequences.
But talking about python tricks, I should first mention my solution to the most common instance of the flattening problem:
# pass all elements from all lists within someLists to someFunc:
someFunc(sum(someLists, []))
Actually, this is precisely the only flattening which I regularly need, and it's a neat in-place solution. But anyhow, here's the complete, recursive variant:
def flatten(x):
    """flatten(sequence) -> list

    Returns a single, flat list which contains all elements retrieved
    from the sequence and all recursively contained sub-sequences

    >>> [1, 2, [3,4], (5,6)]
    [1, 2, [3, 4], (5, 6)]
    >>> flatten([[[1,2,3], (42,None)], [4,5], [6], 7, MyVector(8,9,10)])
    [1, 2, 3, 42, None, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]"""

    result = []
    for el in x:
        #if isinstance(el, (list, tuple)):
        if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring):
    return result

Float Formatting

Somehow, I often don't find the right formatting flags for nice output of floating point numbers. Thus, I created this "little" table demonstrating many of the available options with some simple numbers:

Alas, I still did not find the optimal formatting. What I am looking for, is a quick way to
  1. display pi as 3.14159 (i.e. have 5 fractional digits)
  2. display 3.1 as 3.1 (no trailing zeros)
  3. display 1.234e-13 as 0 and 2.3e+02 as 230 (no exponential display)
  4. ideally, display -1.234e-13 as 0, too (not as -0)
Obviously, there is no single format specification that produces the desired output in all these cases, but I would like to be taught otherwise. The closest thing seems to be %s, which only uses exponential display for extreme cases, but defaults to too many decimal digits for my taste. %g is better with the latter, but already uses exponential notation for smaller exponents.

Reverse Iteration of Lists / Generators

The following handy little function fulfills two purposes. First, it lets you conveniently write
for el in reviter(somelist):
following the iter(somelist) example, and second, it reminds you of the incredibly useful yield-construct (which is new since 2.3), which lets you define generators. This is the most natural way of defining complicated iterators IMO:
def reviter(x):
    if hasattr(x, 'keys'):
        raise ValueError("mappings do not support reverse iteration")
    i = len(x)
    while i > 0:
        i -= 1
        yield x[i]
The first yield will store the entire state of the function in an object that serves as an iterator which returns all yield`ed values and throws a StopIteration when the original function returns.
Note that Python 2.4 already brings "reversed" for this exact purpose.
It's even possible - and very useful indeed - to have several yields in one generator function. E.g., the following code is from my module and is used for writing coordinate pairs of open/closed polygons in rows of 6 points / 12 coordinates each (beyond yield, it also demonstrates a clever use of map for grouping N=12 iterated elements per row):
class PolylineBase(Object):
    # ...

    def _savePointIter(self):
        # flatten a point list into x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, ...
        for p in self.points:
            yield p[0]
            yield p[1]
        # of course, yields can also be conditional,
        # here for repeating the first coordinate pair of closed polygons:
        if self.closed():
            yield self.points[0][0]
            yield self.points[0][1]

    def __str__(self):
        # ...
        i = self._savePointIter()
        # multiply (i, ) with 12 to get 12 references of the same iterator,
        # and exploit the fact that map(None, ...) "fills up"
        # exhausted iterators with None:
        for linePoints in map(None, *(i, )*12):
            # linePoints now contains 12 coordinates (or None values at the end):
            result += "\t" + " ".join(*[str(p) for p in linePoints if p is not None]) + "\n"
        # ...

Substitute for Missing ?: Operator

If you are used to programming in C-like languages, and you are working with Python versions before 2.5, you probably missed an if-then-else operator. There is something that can fill the gap in many cases, just not in all: You can use the boolean operators' short-circuiting property by writing:
something = condition and true_value or false_value
If condition has a value that counts as ''False'', the and-operator will not evaluate true_value but return ''False''. Actually, it will not simply return ''False'', but it will return the value of condition which is known to be some kind of False. This special way in which the boolean operators work, that they simply return one of their arguments and not just True or False, is used to assign true_value or false_value to the variable something.
true_value must be __nonzero__ for the above to work, otherwise you'll get strange results:
this_will_be_two = cond and None or 2 # WRONG!
Since None will be like False to the operators, the result will be 2 regardless of the value of cond. (You could use not cond and 2 or None instead.)
So, this is actually an unreadable, confusing, and possibly dangerous syntax, but nevertheless handy sometimes. ;-)
You will also occasionally find the variant
something = (false_value, true_value)[condition]
which exploits the fact that bool is in fact derived from int and False/True is 0/1, too (write bool(condition) if condition is not 0/1). However, there is no short-circuiting here but both false_value and true_value will be evaluated, which is another big caveat for many applications.
If you wonder why this operator is missing, and whether you're the first to miss it; you're of course not, but for a long time, the Python community could not agree on a syntax for the ternary operator, see the discussion in PEP 308. Nevertheless, Guido himself at last decided to integrate it into the language, choosing the syntax true_value if condition else false_value from the most popular variants (this is finally included in Python 2.5).

Do-While Loops

Since python has no do-while or do-until loop constructs (yet), the following idiom has become very common:
while True:     
    if condition():
 Stick to it, and it'll soon become very familiar to you.

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